Halloween Films Watched - Week 1

10 Oct 2014

This is a roundup of some Halloween movies Steve and I have watched since around the beginning of October! We decided to watch a horror or Halloween related movie every day until All Hollows' Eve when we will then be having our Halloween Horror Movie Marathon Massacre made up of films about Haunted Houses!

I meant to have this post up on the 7th of this month but we got off to a slow start because I was feeling unwell and super tired around the beginning of October so we didn't get much watched. I will however put the next post up on the 14th so I can continue to post them weekly! Now onto the films...

To start things off we watched Super 8. I'm not too sure why Steve picked this because I think it's more of a summer movie but he wanted to watch it and I wasn't going to complain as it's one of my favourites! It ended up being a nice transition into Autumn because the weather here in Ireland has been amazing over the summer and just ended and we're finally getting Autumn weather. Anyhow back to the film, this is one of my favourites because J.J. Abrams made it in homage to Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is one of my all time favourite directors, I have seen so many films by him and love them all. I really think J.J. made this a perfect homage to him. I remember when the trailer came out and just from that I could tell already it had that amazing Spielberg feel to it. It's about a group of kids in 1979 who are making a movie over the summer but after witnessing a train crash and with weird goings on in their town they start to investigate! 10/10 from me!

Now onto a film that fits the Halloween theme. Julia is losing her sight just like her sister who went completely blind and killed herself. Julia does not believe her sister would do something like that so she begins to investigate and as she goes blind herself she starts to feel a presence. Now doesn't that sound interesting? Well I had high hopes for this film but it ended up being terrible. There were way way too many twists and very predictable as well. Had they just kept it simple and introduced more of a supernatural element, this would have turned out a hell of a lot better. Very disappointing. 3/10

A true crime writer moves into a new house with his family and discovers some old tapes belonging to a serial killer. This also sounds interesting and while it isn't as terrible as Julia's Eyes, it's still not great. Ethan Hawke plays the true crime writer and oddly he's quite good. I usually find him to be quite annoying. But overall I think this film would have actually been better without the supernatural element unlike Julia's Eyes. It was very interesting when he found and was researching the films but after that it wasn't great. Also the jump scares were so predictable and all they did was turn up the music SO LOUD that there was no way you couldn't jump. I HATE things like that. I want to be scared of what's on screen, I want it to be tense, I do not want loud music that is purposely turned up to give me a fright. So better than Julia's Eyes but not as good as say Insidious and The Conjuring. Go watch them instead. 4/10

This was definitely one of the better films we watched this week. While meeting up for a family reunion, one by one, the family all start getting killed off by mysterious masked killers but one member ain't gonna put up with that shit. Remember Cassie from Home and Away? Well she's in this and she's excellent. For anyone sick of women being treated like shit in horror movies (well movies in general) this is one to watch! Note that there is some nudity (very little) but no sexual abuse so for anyone looking for a non-triggering horror movie, this is a good one! While obviously it's not perfect and has some things you could complain about, overall I was really surprised how much I ended up liking it. 8/10

As you can probably tell by the title, the film is about a Big Ass Spider. Greg Grunberg (Remember him from Heroes? And the pilot in LOST?) plays the exterminator who's after the spider. Ray Wise is also in this playing a Major. He is in everything. Well what can I say? Yes this movie is terrible but no you shouldn't not see it because it is quite fun... but terrible... but fun. 3/10

That's all for this week! I don't know what films I'm going to be reviewing next because Steve has each film numbered, I then pick a number and then we watch whatever film it is! But make sure and follow me on Bloglovin or here on Blogger because some of the films coming up are good ones!

Any films mentioned you think you'll be watching this weekend or for Halloween?!

Thanks for reading!

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