Spooky Box Club: Ghost Box Unboxing (Spoilers!)

18 May 2016

It's been awhile! I've been wanting to blog more for the longest time now but unfortunately I've been suffering with crippling anxiety for the last few months, hence why there hasn't been much blog posts from me or much activity from me on my social media accounts. I'm recovering, getting help and trying to get myself together by buying lots of enamel pins (yes I've even more now since that blog post so an updated one is due!) and subscribing to the Spooky Box Club!

I've been wanting to subscribe to Spooky Box ever since it started and have actually been following them since then. I was unable to purchase though as I didn't have the money at the time. The box itself is £21 which works out at about €27. But it was mainly the shipping that was the problem as it's £14.50 international which is about €20. I honestly just didn't have that much money for a subscription box even though I obsessively watched Toxic Tears unboxing videos and WANTED EVERYTHING. Like there was the odd thing I didn't like but the majority of the stuff I NEEDED. I've seen so many makeup and geeky sub boxes but after awhile they get so crap (Steve used to be subscribed to Horror Block and that's gone to total crap now) but Spooky Box always had so much stuff I just loved and wanted but with the Euro being so bad, damn Euro!, I just couldn't justify it. Until, for us very lucky Irish peoples, AnPost started up My Address Pal! It's like Parcel Motel but cheaper! This meant I could get the UK shipping (£3.98 €5) and then pay Address Pal €3.50 for shipping to Ireland!

I wasn't sure whether or not to post that bit of information as I don't want Spooky Box to be losing out on money. But I assume they use all the £14.50 on shipping and not for the box itself? That me, paying the £21 (€27) is what goes to them and keeps them going? If you know what I mean! All I'll say is, If you can afford it go for it and if not Address Pal is an amazing option if you can't.

My money conversions aren't the greatest I've just noticed (I was using an online converter but Paypal's converter is slightly different!) but I'm paying €32.98 for the box which includes UK shipping and then the €3.50 at the post office for the Address Pal. I hope that all made sense and helped anyone wanting to subscribe in Ireland and that Spooky Box gets lots of subscribers now!

OK enough rambling about shipping, I finally subscribed and oh my holy ghost was I excited! I have it all posted on my snapchat: fluffyvw (won't be available for long!) and I LOVE EVERY SINGLE THING.

**Super obvious but if you have subscribed and are waiting for the Ghost Box I'm spoiling it completely in this blog post so look away now!!**

Super cute lil ghost sticker on the box!

When you open the box there is some leaflets on top all about spooky box and then a list of everything that's included in this months box! I did quickly put that one to the side as I wanted the contents to be a surprise for me! There is then some lovely purple paper noodles on top keeping everything padded and safe! They came off all in one for me luckily and all the contents were below it! :D

The first thing I noticed was this AMAZING Coffin pin! There has been pins included in some of the past boxes and that's why it says pin no. 3! I would love the others but I'm so happy I got this one as it's super spooky and will add nicely to my collection of enamel pins.

 Next was this cute ghost hair clip! I currently don't have much hair but I can still clip it to my bag or jacket! I love it!

Look at this cute little ghostie with its lil cheeks! I don't think I'll be able to put this on my phone but I will definitely find something to put it on! Oh and there is also a little bell on it and it has a cute little bell sound!

I will definitely be wearing this amazing sad ghost necklace ALL THE TIME. Look at it!! More cute!!

When I saw this fantastic Ghost Hunter patch I nearly died!!! LOOK!!! It's so amazing and I will be for sure starting a ghost related DIY jacket that I can put this on! :D

Tote bags make me super happy. I honestly think I need to do a blog post (or a video possibly?) on my awesome collection of tote bags. This is down as a Lunch bag as it's a bit smaller than your normal tote but it can be used for many things!  

I love the print SO MUCH!!! Like I mean you guys?! How wonderful is all this stuff?! DYING. It has a zip also just to make things even better! :D I also included a photo of the Spooky Box Club label that's on the inside! Even the label's cool.

Not gonna lie, totally cried when I saw this! I'm going to be moving soon and things like this just make me very happy as I will be decorating my house all things spooky, cute and Halloweeny! I just can't wait to put up this pennant and then it will be Halloween everyday in my house. Sorry that the pics don't really show the size but it's about 20 inches I think! Could be totally off but it's a really decent size!

And the last thing included in the box were these amazing ghost prints! Again these will go so lovely in my new house and I can't wait to get them framed! They're both about 7x5 I think again sorry don't have accurate sizes but around that size anyhow! :D

In the very bottom of the box and throughout the box as I was taking things out were these SO CUTE lil ghost confettis! I have since gathered them all together and put them in a little bag so I can use them for something in future! They're too good to waste :P

I made this cute little video of them on my instagram!

The last photos I have for you guys is just a close up of the cards that come in the box. You can see in the first image there are links to all Spooky Box's social websites and where you can sign up! Then there is a card with all the things you get listed on it! Including a nice little introduction at the top! Also some of the money from SpookyBox goes to Cancer Research which is pretty awesome! (Another reason to subscribe!)

I just realized I forgot to take a picture of the lovely lollipop which is candy floss flavour! I have it put aside to have on a special day! It looks so lovely though! So that's been my rundown of everything I got in this months box! As you can probably tell, I'm SO happy with everything! Even though it was a bit late as they were waiting on items to include and then with Address Pal you add a few days to delivery, it was well, well worth the wait!

I cannot wait for the next one which has the theme of "How Does Your Gothic Garden Grow" like, how am I actually going to be able to wait!! I think though all subs for that box is finished but you can subscribe for the Black Cats one here! Update: actually the Black Cat one seems to be out of stock! So you might have to wait until the next subscription is up! Keep an eye on their site and instagram for updates!

I literally cannot wait for future boxes and will definitely have more blog posts about them! I'm also hoping to do video unboxings when I'm feeling a bit better.

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you're thinking of subscribing!!